My Summer Car Wiki
My Summer Car Wiki
This is the transcript page for Jani.

Insulting the player 1

"Hei onks tää nyt se Peräjärven kovajätkä olevinaa täällä nyt? Onks tää- osaaks tää mitään tehä ja, mitä tää tulee tän romunsa kans tänne riehumaan. Ei vittu mee hei nyt vittuun jo."
Rough translation:
"Hey is this supposed to be the tough guy of Peräjärvi here now? Can he do anything and, what is he coming to rave here with his piece of junk for. Just fuck off already."
In-game subtitles:
"Who is this pussy-ass idiot?"

Insulting the player 2

"Ei jumalauta oikeesti, ei vittu miks toi saatanan idiootti taas tuolla köpöttelee. Menis nyt se vittuun oikeesti tuolt. Ei täs oo- ei täs oo vittu mitään järkee enää vitt- päivä on pilalla, that's it."
Rough translation:
"Seriously, why the fuck is that damn idiot walking there again. Why won't he just fuck off from there. This doesn't make any sense anymore. The day is ruined, that's it."
In-game subtitles:
"Stop walking around like a damn fool. You do not make any sense, ruining my perfect day."

Going near him with Gifu 1

"Ei vittu, pitiks sunkin nyt vittu tulla tähän haisemaan vittu? Ihan tarpeeks toi Jokke ihan kuselle nii vittu nyt taal haisee kusi ja paska saatana sekasin. No nii kiitos sulle vittu!"
Rough translation:
"Fuck me, did you really have to come here and stink? Jokke already smells enough like piss, and now it smells like mixed piss and shit. Yeah thank you!"
In-game subtitles:
"You don't have better things to do but smell bad? There is piss already everywhere, now it smells like shit too."

Going near him with Gifu 2

"Katos katos, sehän on Peräjärven paskakuski ja se- vittu se tulee taas ton vitun paskansa kans tänne vittu riehumaan, mee nyt vittuun oikeest sielt jo hei."
Rough translation:
"Oh won't you look at that, it's the shit-driver of Peräjärvi here again to rave with his shit, just fuck off already."
In-game subtitles:
"It is our own boy, human waste transport guy! Stop smelling like shit and go to hell."

Driving the car next to him

"Ai et kisaa haluut ton sun romun kans ajaa vittu, hei- ethän sä oo lähelläkkää noita kuninkuusluokan ajoissa eis- ei sust kyllä oo mihinkään, emmä tiedä läheks mä sun kaa skabaa. Toi on niin paskan näkönen vitun vekotin toi sun autos. Ei- en tiedä oikeen, pitää vähän miettii viäl mitä ton kans tehään. Ei täst tuu mitään oikeesti, vittu hommaa nyt vittu kunnon auto nii katotaan uuestaan."
Rough translation:
"Oh so you want to race with that piece of junk? You're not anywhere close to the people driving in championship races. You're not good for anything, I'm not sure I'm going to race you. That contraption of yours looks so shit. Yeah I don't know, I'll have to think about what to do with that. This is going nowhere, just get a proper car already and we'll see again."
In-game subtitles:
"So you would like to race with that shit bucket of yours? Which one is faster?"

Drinking beer in front of him 1

"No hyi vittu, miten sä tota paskaa juot? Eihän toi oo vittu mitää, totahan saatana saa Jokken paskahuussist ihan tarpeeks. Juo sinäkin Kurjala."
Rough translation:
"Fucking gross, how do you drink that shit? That's nothing, you can get enough of that from Jokke's outhouse. Just drink Kurjala."
In-game subtitles:
"What is that piss you're drinking? Like drinking from a wc bowl. You should drink Kurjala beer!"

Drinking beer in front of him 2

"Hyi jumalauta oikeesti, eihän nyt vittu tota saatanan paskaa juo kukaan! Toi on ihan pelkkää paskaa, heitä nyt vittuun jo tommoset kaljat."
Rough translation:
"Seriously ew, nobody drinks that damn shit! That's pure shit, throw beer like that away already."
In-game subtitles:
"Fuck you, no one is drinking that shit. Just throw it away, you little shit."

Drinking beer in front of him 3

"Ei vittu, taasko sä juot tota saatanan paskaa? Teimoko sulle tota vittu aina myy? Sun pitäis kysyy kyl Teimolta että vittu se hommaa sitä vitun Kurjalaa sinne kauppaan, eihän täs oo vittu mitään järkee tos hommas... ota hei yks Kurjala ja vittu painu nyt vittuun siit oikeesti."
Rough translation:
"Fuck me, are you drinking that damn shit again? Is Teimo the one selling that to you? You should ask Teimo to get Kurjala to the shop, this whole rigmarole is nonsensical... just take one Kurjala here and seriously fuck off."
In-game subtitles:
"Is Teimo selling you that shit? He should sell some Kurjala instead. Everything is just shit."

Trying to hitchhike with him

"Paa toi nyt peukalo nyt vittu hanuriis vittu, tolla tee vittu mitään täällä, mä mikään saatanan taksikuski oo. Painu nyt vittuun oikeesti."
Rough translation:
"Shove that thumb up your ass, that's not good for anything here, I'm not a damn taxi driver. Seriously fuck off."

Showing him the middle finger 1

"Ai jaaha tääl ovat tämmöset merkit näköjää tänää, ei jumalauta oikeesti vittu koht kuule saatana sattuu ja sanonko ketä ja pahasti!"
Rough translation:
"Uh-huh, it seems that these kinds of signs are here today, god damn seriously someone is going to get hurt soon and badly!"
In-game subtitles:
"So the signs are in the air? You know, someone is going to get hurt soon."

Showing him the middle finger 2

"Näytäppä vittu vielä kerran tota saatan sormee niin vittu se on viimenen kerta sitte."
Rough translation:
"Show that fucking finger one more time and it'll be the last."
In-game subtitles:
"Let me see that finger one more time and I will smash your head."

Showing him the middle finger 3

"Tuuppa tänne näyttää tota vitun sormees niin vittu mä syötän sen sulle!"
Rough translation:
"Come here to show that fucking finger of yours and I'll feed it to you!"
In-game subtitles:
"So you want that I make a dinner out from your finger? And shove it down to your throat?"

Showing him the middle finger 4

"Siis mitä vittua oikeesti hei? Tuu vittu tänne näyttää tota saatanan sormees vittu jos sul on jotain vitun asiaa, saatanan mulkku."
Rough translation:
"Seriously what the fuck? Come here to show that damn finger of yours if you have something to say, you damn dick."
In-game subtitles:
"What the fuck? Come here and show me that finger of yours."

Punching near him 1

"Nyt vittu loppuu se saatanan huitominen tai koht pamahtaa ja vittu kovaa!"
Rough translation:
"Stop that fucking flailing right now or I'm going to smack you hard!"
In-game subtitles:
"Stop fooling around or I will smash your head and hard!"

Punching near him 2

"Perkele kohta vittu lähtee!"
Rough translation:
"God damn it's going to go down soon!"
In-game subtitles:
"God of Thunder! You are so dead!"

Punching near him 3

"Vittuuks huidot sil saatanan nyrkillä, vittu koht läsähtää sinne vittu ja tulee kuule semmonen osuma et vittu- vittu sä oikeesti lähet siitä ja vittu kun leppäkeihäs."
Rough translation:
"What the fuck are you swinging that fist for, I'm going to smack you soon and it'll be such a hit that you're going to fly away like an alder spear."
In-game subtitles:
"Stop dancing with your fist female. I will smack your face and you fly like a wooden javelin!"


"Hei mestari hei, tuu ottaa vähän kaljaa hei! Onks sulla minkälaist kaljaa tarjol, mul ois tääl tätä Kurjalaa."
Rough translation:
"Hey master, come get some beer! What kind of beer do you have to offer, I have this Kurjala here."
