My Summer Car Wiki

Kesselinperä (lit. Kesseli's end) is the name of the peninsula surrounded by the lake Peräjärvi on three sides. It is the smallest village in Alivieska. Buildings in Kesselinperä consist of two houses, a woodshed, a dock, an old greenhouse, and a red barn. The dirt road leading to Kesselinperä from Loppentie intersection is about 1.6 km long.

One of the houses is the player's home, where the game begins and where the player builds their Satsuma. The older house, owned by the Kesseli family, is Uncle Kesseli's home. There are also two mailboxes. The green mailbox is Kesseli's and the red mailbox has the last name entered from the "New Game" screen.

The body of the Satsuma can be found in the front of the player's house. The van can be found on Uncle's yard when he is present. Inside the woodshed is the tractor, tractor trailer and a pile of firewood. The boat is located at the dock in front of the player's house.

The woodshed has an infinite supply of firewood which can be chopped and delivered.


  • The player's house used to be at the Loppentie crossroads, where the home with the septic tank is at now. It was moved to Kesselinperä in Build 169.
  • In old test versions in the game, Kesselinperä wasn't a peninsula, meaning you could travel to Peräjärvi by the lakeside.