The markka (mk) is the in-game currency used to purchase various items and services. The Finnish markka was the currency of Finland from 1860 to 2002, when it was replaced by the Euro. At the time of switching to the Euro, 1 mk was worth roughly 0.168 € or $0.180. 1€ is worth about 5.9 mk.
Ways to obtain money[]
There are many ways to make a living in Alivieska:
- Pumping septic tanks with the Gifu.
- Delivering firewood to the firewood guy.
- Brewing kilju and selling it to Jokke.
- Driving Jokke home from Pub Nappo at night.
- Playing Ventti, the Finnish version of blackjack.
- Finishing in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in the Suvi-Sprint.
- Hauling wrecked cars to Fleetari.
- Listening to your grandmother.
- Bringing food to grandma.
- Picking strawberries in Rykipohja.
- Helping Jokke move to his new house.
- Finding the suitcase full of Jokke's lottery winnings.
- Winning on slot machines.
- Stealing the video poker machine.
- Delivering Teimon Kauppa advertisements to mailboxes.
- Winning in the Lottery.
- Delivering haybales .
- Driving Grandma to Church. (You get 500mk extra next time you deliver her food)
- Delivering the combine harvester to Tohvakka's farm.
Ways to spend money[]
A man has to eat, but not only food costs money. Here are some other opportunities:
- Purchasing consumables or vehicle fluids and parts from Teimo's shop.
- Employing Fleetari to work on the Satsuma.
- Purchasing spare parts from Fleetari's repair shop.
- Purchasing spare parts from the used car parts dealer.
- Ordering car upgrades from the Amis parts catalog.
- Having your car inspected by LindeII.
- Riding the bus.
- Paying the phone bills or the electricity bills to avoid having them turned off.
- Legally emptying the Gifu at the wastewater treatment plant.
- Purchasing a bottle of booze from Petteri during the dances.
- Buying a computer through mail order.
Ways to lose money[]
Some situations will leave the player's wallet lighter with no material return, such as:
- Being fined by the police and avoiding jail time.
- Entering the Rally Sprint Race but failing to achieve a podium finish.
- Losing in Ventti.
- Losing on slot machines.
- Breaking Teimo's shop window(s) and paying for the repair.
- Dumping sewage illegally, including vandalism of Lindell inspection shop.
- Paying for the Satsuma inspection, but not passing.