My Summer Car Wiki

The spirit (Fin: pirtu) is a very potent alcoholic drink, consuming it will almost instantly make the player pass out. The bottles can be found inside Jokke's new house while the "party" is going on. Unlike the rest of the alcohol at the party; the spirit bottles can be picked up and moved around. The bottles will disappear upon saving and reloading the game.

Drinking a bottle of spirit has a 20% chance to make the player go blind temporarily.


The "party" at Jouko's new house, featuring Simppa, Jokke and Jouko.


  • Going blind from drinking a bottle of spirit will unlock the "Methanol Man" achievement.
  • The bottle is labelled as "Spirytus" which is a variety of Polish imported alcohol.
  • The spirit has likely been smuggled into the country, as non-denatured beverages containing over 80% alcohol by volume were heavily regulated under Finnish law.
