My Summer Car Wiki
Computer icon Some or all of the content on this page is copied verbatim and shouldn't be changed. This update was released 2,898 days ago.

The content on this update page has been copied from the official My Summer Car website and is copyrighted by Amistech Games.

Computer icon

-Radio OGG song import is now done in Main Menu for hopefully to help game loading issues
-House light states are now saved
-Sewage job darts/orders are now saved
-Fixed Air Filter bolts
-Added two odd jobs to do for Fleetari Repair Shop, vandalism and transporting of junk cars
-Any items that drop into sewage well should re-spawn at the Landfill site
-Portable Car Jack can be used only when it is placed on ground
-Physics optimization; some car part collisions are now disabled after they are bolted tight
-Fixed issue where telephone breaks down if mr. Fleetari tries to call from repair shop
-Fixed gear indicator for boat
-Fixed issue with front spoiler assemblies
-Fixed issue with Satsuma loosing its tire grip when loading the game on top of asphalt surface
-Made fur dices as optional accessory
-Fixed spawning of third halfshaft
-Police spawning is now randomized
-Local radio station updated; more songs, more programs, more random
-Fixed issue where post order sheet is not always available after getting a call and then save/loading the game
